Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ch.7 BWP

This chapter was all about the website, a photo publishing website. It is a great way to share events and what is going on in one’s life and even in a classroom. There are some risks with a tool like this because it is an open tool that anyone can look at or post anything thing; you don’t want students stumbling upon something inappropriate. A down side is you can do photo editing on the website, so you have to do that before you post your pictures. You can tag your photos and connect them to other people’s photos.  Some of the ideas to use in the classroom were really neat. I thought a virtual field trip would be really fun because you can show students so many things and place they can’t physically go to or would be too far or too expensive to go to in person. I also liked the idea of illustrating poetry because that can sometimes be a difficult concept for students to grasp. I really like how it can connect people from around the world. It would be very interesting to look at another person’s travels and share them with a class because a teacher can’t travel and get pictures from everywhere. For geography one can use it with Google Maps and Google Earth to connect pictures with location.  I also think it would be a good way to share classroom events and happenings with parents. The photos one places on can be organized and commented on.  In the examples of people who use in the classroom one teacher used it a prompted for writing assignments.
I absolutely loved some of the use and ideas for in the classroom. I will definitely use it for writing prompts because I think creative writing is great to have students do. I love the idea of share pictures from around the world and think it will be great for geography. I think it would also be great to share events with parents and let them comment on the pictures to get feedback and keep them updated.

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