Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ch. 6 WPB

The reading had a great point the web is no longer just a resource it is a social tool. Pretty much anything you do these days on the web is a social thing. There is email, facebook, blogs, twitter, Wikipedia, and much more. If you think about it even search engines are a social because they display what others have been searching for and recommend websites from a variety of people. YouTube is even a social thing because you post a video, view comments, post comments, and watch other people’s connections.  Now that I think about it I am having trouble of thinking of something that is not a social thing in some aspect. The chapter said the a students work is now becoming a shared thing no matter what you do because if you think about every source they uses is from a variety of things and they can use the social web to get information.  
There are so many social parts to the web but some of them just seem ridiculous to me. I have a facebook and a delicious but that is about it. I just feel that is would be too much for me to keep up with; I can barely keep up with my facebook any more, I check it about one a day on my iPod touch and then I am good. I have several friends that have a twitter and they have been trying to get me to join them but I looked at theirs and I just can’t see myself doing it.  I don’t feel the need to know what someone is doing every single day, when I can barely keep up with myself.  I’m sure for certain people it would be interesting because they put only important things. But some people tweet everything and I have no need to know that you are eating a cookie or something trivial. I have a friend that gets the tweet sent to her phone and though it is a really neat idea it would drive me crazy.   I do on the other hand really like social booking because I think it can be very beneficial and is an important resource. I am a favorites-aholic if I have to go to a page often I mark the page but that get so messy. There is absolutely no organization and I end up forgetting what things are for.  My social booking account keeps everything organized and allows me to mark sources so I know what they are in the future.
In a future classroom of mine I will definitely use the social web but that will most likely not include twitter. I will use social bookmarking to manage my resources and I think it will be important to start older students doing the same thing.  Also, I think using blog and wiki will be beneficial to my students.

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