Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ch. 6 Rethinking Ed.

This chapter touched on the many aspects of education. It talked about the three main eras and each thing that infulenced them. The things that influence one's education are constantly swinging back and forth. It started out with parents who decided what their children would learn and either taught the children themselves of found an appreticeship. Horace Man then came into play and decided that children should be required to attend school to learn american values and english. This meant that the government was in charge of education for all children. The government started doing such things as standardized testing. It has made a strong strong impact on education by creating laws, standards, and eventually requiring for school to let special ed students in schools. Another sector is the individual, people started taking control of their own education. There are now many resources a person can use to educate themselves. They can research on the internet, by educational programs, go to learning centers, and many other options. For a while it was just the government impacting education but currently the individual and parents are playing a bigger role. People are now seeking out their own education with out being told to because they know they need to be knowledgeable for such things as their future career. Parents are now investing more time into their childs education. Some parents are now home schooling their children allowing them to have a lot of control. Other parents are going to more school events, checking in with teachers, and practing what is done at school at home. I thought it was very intresting how has swung back and forth in the area of who is in control. I think it is important to know this because as a teacher I believe your style changes a little depending on who is in control. When parent are involved a teacher has to keep them up to date and for the government a teacher has to pay attention to the requirements. For the individual the teacher can supply that person with informations and activiities to use. I will use this knowledge in my future classroom by making sure I incorporate each aspect. I will follow the teaching standards but also thing of the students and parents. I will keeep the parents up to date and give them material to work on with their children. Also, I will try my be to pin point those students who are taking charge of their education and try to help them in that process.

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