Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ch. 4 Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts

I found the information about Wikipedia very interesting because I always disregarded it as a bad source. Throughout high schools every teacher I had told me that it I was not allowed to use it and that it was an unreliable source. I was told it was unreliable because it was able to be accessed by any one and they could make things biased or out up the wrong information.  So I thought for a very long time like the reading said that it was more like wackypedia. This reading reassured me that Wikipedia was not a bad thing; it was meant to be and is a place to find the “sum of human knowledge.” Everyone in the world knows something that someone else doesn’t know about and Wikipedia and other wikis allow people to openly share their knowledge.  It shows that collectively people can produce high quality information. One can get information about places, people, technologies, news, and pretty much anything you can think of.  The article said that it is a great starting point; I will definitely use it in the future but I will also use additional sources. Wikis are an amazing thing that allows anyone to collaborate together and share information and thoughts.  I never really thought about using a wiki in a classroom yet alone my everyday life. Until I took this class I didn’t even know that you could create your own or that any other one was out there, I seriously thought Wikipedia was the only one. One concern I had that the chapter addressed was preventing other people from putting information on a class wiki. I thought it was a really good idea to make it a class project to check the wikis’ information. Students can use a wiki to display their research, do a project, do a review of material, and just plain display information. I think it is neat how one can link other tools to a wiki like blogs and podcasts, which can help enhance student learning. One thing that it was used for that I would like to incorporate into a classroom would be to use a blog as a travel journal where I can display memories, photos, and video. I want to have a younger elementary school class and I think it could be hard to incorporate a wiki, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try. I think I could definitely use the travel wiki in my classroom because it could be a great way to share experience and teach the children about different places. Also, it could be turned into another parent resource with link to class information and if the parents came into the classroom they could share with other parents what they thought.

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