Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ch. 5 Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts

When I saw the chapter title was RSS, I was very confused because I had never heard of it before.  Reading this was kind of hard for me because if seemed to have a lot of terms I did not know; I’m the type of person that has trouble learning things I just read. I feel like I got a good understanding though and I think once I use the tool I will be fine. I was very glad to hear that there was an easier way of going through a billion websites; it is amazing how you can go to one website and read about many different ones all at once. It would be so difficult for a teacher to do so and knowing this it makes me more confident in my overall ability to check resources. It is super helpful how one can track many feeds of daily information from many sources, like blogs, newspapers, and more.  I looked a google reader and watched the informative video. It seems to be very easy and straight forward; it is nice how you can use it on any computer. I like how once you subscribe to a site it tells you when there are new posts and marks off when you have read them.  I love how you’re pretty much always getting the latest news because it is telling you when the site has updates.
I think this can be a great tool for student to monitor the sites they use and could be used for projects.  For example if they have to write a research paper they could mark sites and read them when they are updated to get the latest information. It can be a great personal and educational tool. I think it will be very helpful to me as well because I can bookmark many sites that have to do with my teaching. Through these sites I can be up to date on teaching ideas, techniques, news, and much more.  RSS will allow me to be a very up to date teacher and give my students a wealth of knowledge.

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