Monday, November 15, 2010


I did my PSA in a group of 4; it is about online safety for elementary students. The video reminds kids that the internet is useful and fun but it can be dangerous. It also presents tips to make sure a website is safe to use. This project was made much easier because it was done in a group. I would have had no idea how to edit the video. I know how to create videos on a variety of cameras but I have never made changes to them. My friend let our group borrow his Mac, so we could edit the video using iMovie. After working will it video editing seems a lot less scary.
My group enjoyed working on and put time into this project. I was glad there was so many brains in the room because it made creating a script faster and easier due to many thoughts and points of view. This PSA will be beneficial for my future teaching. I will be able to create videos to share with my class and I will be able to help my students create their own. I will use video in my classroom for announcements, projects, and lessons.

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