Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ch.3 Rethinking Education

I never really thought about the skeptics and enthusiasts of technology, I guess I always thought that things change and people change with it. I knew there were people against and for certain things but I never really thought about why because I am always willing to try something new.  I enjoyed the quotes at the beginning of the chapter, all the people were didn’t think the new developments would stay around but they all were wrong. Now that I think about we shouldn’t worry about technologies disappearing because there is always something new that comes up to replace it or improve it. In some ways it is sad that certain arts like making your ink are hard to find but at the same time that is how life and the world works.  We are a society that is constantly changing and finding new ways to do things. If our methods and technologies fail and we have to start from scratch I am sure that we will find a way to get through.  I did understand where most of the skeptics were coming from though, came is not easy and people are always fearful of something going wrong. This reading made me think a little about having to incorporate technology in the classroom; having to do so may be scary at first but it is important. At some points I might have to push my fears aside and try new things because in the end it is what will help my students in the future that are important. Overall, the skeptics have valid points but technology is meant to enhance teaching and learning. As teachers it is our job for students to learn the best they can and if technology helps we should use it. If a new development fails us then we just go back to what we did before or try something else; because a teacher has to always be changing to the method that works.
Because of this reading I will do many things to prepare my students for their futures. I need to give them the skills to think of new ideas and the skills needed to succeed without technology in case of technology failure; because part of being a teacher is giving the students the skills and tools needed to think outside the box.  As a teacher it will not only be important to develop my students’ skills but open their mind to new ways of thinking. After doing many of these readings I see how important it is to learn about different views on a subject because it opens one’s mind and makes a person develop their own ideas in a more informed manner. Opening their minds may also be helpful in getting students, parents, and faculty to try new things. The one thing that still scares me about teaching students new technologies is if I will have the resources. It would be hard to incorporate technology in a low income school district if there is only one computer for a whole classroom. It doesn’t scare me enough to turn me away from the idea of incorporating technology in the classroom but it does pose a challenge. I will just have to use my resources if I come upon that situation.

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