Thursday, September 23, 2010


Chapter 2 reassured my ideas about technology in the classroom.  Growing up with computer in the classroom always made me think that technology was always a part of the everyday classroom and not a hard thing to integrate. I have heard a lot of people’s concerns about having technology in the classroom and it got me a little worried because I have never worried about it before. There are so many ways that technology will be beneficial to students.  It helps increase a students learning and makes tasks easier and simpler. Also the use of technology provides a hand on way of learning and most students learn the best by doing activities and trying things for themselves. Technology is a great way for students to get information that a teacher can’t give them.  The internet provides a plethora of information for students to access.  For students futures they will need to be able to use technology and school can give them practice in real world problem solving. This gives the students a step up against other students their age because in the future they will have to compete with many others for jobs.  Technology can also make assignment easier on teachers because computer activities can provide immediate feedback on the student activities; which makes grading faster and easier.   Overall, I think technology is a great resource in the classroom and can be very easy for teachers to incorporate. 
After this reading I will definitely try to incorporate technology in the classroom as much as possible. I hope that in the future the school I work for will be able to have many available technologies for the student to learn about and with.   In my classroom I can show online videos and demonstration to help increase student understanding.  I would like to have computer base games like math activities and listening activities because it is a great way to incorporate learning and technology in the classroom.  I would really like to be able to use a smartboard in my classroom because it is a great resource and way to actively express information.  Overall, there are many ways that technology can impact and help students with future activities.

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